DAY 1!!!!
Scripture: Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Observation: I know that God saw that it would be better if man had help and weren’t alone and that is why He created woman. And that I should be the helper in my relationship. And I agree 100%, it is also what I read the first few times that this piece of scripture jumped out at me...It felt like God was telling me that this was my verse to take away from the reading but it just didn’t feel as strong as usual (since not being in a relationship this felt not valid for right now, so ok maybe He is trying to help me for the future which is great!)...But I still decided to not write down my SOAP immediately and rather go to work and look at the reading again when I get home to see if there isn’t another piece of scripture that jumps out at me then... So when I got home I read scripture again and still this verse jumped out at me but suddenly I ‘saw’ a seemingly different meaning: I personally also see this verse as God saying to me that I can be a helper to man(kind); like helping people read through the Bible. Now that is definitely powerful!
Application: So my application would be geared towards being a helper for man. I could definitely do a better job than I am. I should really focus more on anticipating needs, talking to people and helping them without wanting anything in return. Am I really helping people in the way I should and can? This is definitely something I will pray and think about more extensively...
Prayer: Father you created me to be a helper to man, so I know you have plans for me, even though I am sometimes selfish, impatient and lazy...Show me how to help, so that I would betterserve You.
I also pray that You bless those who are reading through the Bible in 180 days with me. Thank you so much for the opportunity to do this and to share Your word with so many. I am humbled and encouraged (and in awe) by how many have joined. Help them to keep reading and to hear You alone. Help me to help them. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
p.s Once again I just want to stress that my SOAPs are my own interpretation of what God is telling me. It might not be what you see in exactly the same verse, or you might have a different verse, or not even have a verse, it does not matter. So if you would like to share your thoughts with us put it on the blog, if you want to just share with me reply to this email :) Happy reading! :)
S - ...but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." Gen. 2:17
ReplyDeleteO - What I found interesting was the use of "when". It looks as if God knew Eve (or Adam) was going to eat from the tree, but set it up as a test. But if he knew they would eat it, why did he get so angry at them? Was it to show them that he will also forgive?
A - People break rules everyday. All types of rules - personal, ethical, moral etc. We know that breaking rules has consequences, yet just about everyone does it at some point. Why do we do this? Is it to see how far we can push the boundaries and still be forgiven?
P - I'm not exactly sure how to do this, but here goes. Father, you forgave us when we sinned. I know that I like to ask questions and push limits on occasion. Guide me in how to properly question, so that I may learn more about you, in a way where I am not lead down the wrong path. In Your name I pray. Amen.
It is great that people can read the same verse and interpret it differently!
ReplyDeleteIt absolutely is Estee ;)
ReplyDeleteRyan I'll be asking this question to Pastor Brandon. Let's see what his answer is since I really want to know now...I didn't even notice that!!!(I think your reasoning is great though :))