Friday, 27 January 2012

Day 19- SOAP

Day 19

Leviticus 14-19

Scripture: 19: 18 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbour as yourself. I am the LORD.

Observation: Love everyone as you would love yourself.

Application: I don’t think I hold grudges and want revenge anymore (I figured out a long time ago it is wrong, a waste of time and a waste of energy J but this is still a good reminder not to do it). So I think the last part of this verse is aimed more at me and very important for everyone. We have to love people the way we want to be loved, not the way we think they deserve to be loved (how would we know what they deserve?!) or how we want to love them or any of the other ways, NO the way WE would want to be loved. Tough, yes I know.

Prayer: Father help me please to love others as I would like to be loved. Help me not to judge and decide how much love they need or deserve or to take into consideration how I feel about them, help me to just love them. And help me to not bear grudges and seek revenge but to forgive.

Day 21’s reading: Leviticus 20-25

Read the blog here: 180 days

Ok so I found a website with some pictures of what people think the Tabernacle looked like, I do not however know how accurate these are so if it is totally wrong sorry! I just needed to see for myself what it looked like after reading a few chapters about how it was made….it does look pretty amazing!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Scripture: Leviticus 19:32 "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord."

    Observation: The elderly, including our parents and grandparents, are those who let us live in this world at the pleasure of our Lord, God.

    Application: As our society is getting aged, increasing number of seniors are in need of care and help. But it makes me really upset when I see some people avoid taking care of their own parents. Even in public places, some young people don't seem to show respect to seniors they deserve. People are getting old without exception. We should remind ourselves we will be treated by our children not far away from the way we treat our parents.

    Prayer: Dear God. Thank you for showing me how Levites would bring different types of offerings in front of you while reading this part. And thank you for letting me know you are the one and only God who deserves these offerings. Lord, you are the origin of our parents and grandparents. Please let us know we can not revere you without paying respect to our parents and their generation. I pray young generation would appreciate what the seniors have done for us and humbly show respect to them. I also pray that all the seniors in our community, especially who are lonely and struggling with their lives, would receive enough care and attention so that they serve you better, or if non-believers, they find an opportunity to come to know you. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

  3. Minho, thank you so much for this SOAP! You are so right about the way people treat their parents, grandparents etc, it needs to change! I will be praying for this too :)
