Day 47
1 Samuel 15-19
Scripture: 15 22 But Samuel replied:
“Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the LORD?
To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
Observation: The most important thing for God is that we obey Him.
Application: We don’t always know what God wants for us but this could be for two reasons; either we aren’t listening and tuning into what he is saying to us or we just refuse to listen to him because what he is saying is too difficult or not what we want to hear or do. So again we disobey. In both cases it is wrong and our own fault and we have to work on this.
Prayer: Father, thank You so much for what You do for us on a daily basis. You are so amazing and so patient and so loving and I thank You for this. And I am sorry, so sorry for every time I don’t listen to You either because I don’t want to hear You (what You are saying is too hard for me) or because I can’t hear You because I am not listening. Please help me to work on this so that I will obey You in everything You tell me to do.
Next reading: 1 Samuel 20-25
Read the blog here: 180 days
S - 1Samuel 16:7 - "But the LORD said to Samuel, "do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. the LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
ReplyDeleteO - God sees inside us no matter what we do/look out on the outside
A - It's not enough to just do all the things that make you a "good Christian" like going to church and following God's rules. Those are important to our growth and are part of his teachings, but if you don't believe and follow God with your full heart, he can see that and all the outward signs that you show won't mean anything.
P - Dear Father, help me give my entire heart over to you. I know you can see my true feelings which is awesome, comforting and scary all together. Erase any doubts I have and guide me to where I can find answers to my questions. In your name I pray.
hahaha this is awesome...this was my second verse and I was soooo tempted to do two SOAPs for this day BUT then i thought no, Ryan might do this one :) great minds and all that hehehe