Monday, 21 January 2013

Day 1- SOAP

DAY 1 (Gen 1-8)

Scripture: Genesis 1 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Observation: God created the sky, seas, plants, fish, birds, everything...But He created human beings in His own image. 

Application: God created me in His image. WOW that’s pretty amazing…I mean sometimes people might treat us disrespectfully or look down on us, but we can be certain of our worth because we have been created in the image of God. And this also works the other way around, for me not to look down on people or show disrespect because they are also made in God’s image. 

Prayer: Father please help me to remember this always! When I am being put down or when I am even contemplating putting someone else down! We are all made in your image, which is pretty amazing! Thank you for giving me this verse today to know that I am important to you…Amen


  1. This comment is from Ashley:

    Hello, I have just read Genesis 1-8 and amazingly but not surprisingly I still get so confused reading who's father is who lol. I have to read each verse as if I'm a child just learning how to read. I am so thankful for God's mercy and grace, because no matter how many times I read about the flooding over the earth I can't help but say thank you Lord, because He can easily take us out. Cain and Abel's story always drives me to reflect my relationship with my sister. It makes me want to understand her better and always care about how she feels about herself and life. I want to grow greatly with her and ever since I arrived in Korea even before that we have grown stronger as sisters. Some would say, "oh yall are getting older," or "yall needed to be apart to really care for each other." Those may be some factors, but I believe God answered my many prayers to help me and my sister grow and learn who we are towards each other. I pray for everyone in this challenge and I pray that we can be protected from discouraging thoughts, from distractions, and I pray that this dedication can help us become dedicated in other areas of our lives. I also pray for more fire and desire for Christ because, not if, but when we finish reading through the Bible; I pray it will not be the last. Be strong family and keep pushing. love you to life.

  2. on the tract :)
