Monday, 20 February 2012

Day 43- SOAP

Day 43

So no 1 specific verse for me today but a whole lot of things jumped out at me through the entire reading. For example they disobeyed God again, really?!wow..but ok…

so Samson had this amazing strength and Delilah wanted to know where he got it from and kept on nagging and asking and then testing if what he said was true…so in theory he should have know she is trying to trap him or something but he stayed with her and even told her the real secret after a lot of nagging!i obviously think he should have just told her ‘cheers you are testing me for some reason and I don’t trust you, and you nag too much’ hahaha but I know he didn’t do that because it was obviously all part of Gods’ plan but it just amazed me that she got away with it…but then again love is blind sometimes ;)

and my favorite: Samson gave a way the secret of his strength, something he and his parents were forbidden to do but even after not listening to the Lord, the Lord listened to Samson one last time by giving him strength to bring down the building…a truly loving God we serve…

Next reading: Judges 20- Ruth 4

Read the blog here: 180 days

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