Sunday, 12 February 2012

Week 5- Check in

Week 5 check in!

Well done to each and every one of you for reaching this point! I am very proud of you either if you are on track or behind, you are still reading and that is the main point…BUT I would be lying if I said I don’t want every one of you to finish in July hahaha

I know some of you still struggle to find the right time to read and as I have said before it really depends on the person…personally I have to get up earlier everyday to do it or I get to tired or distracted later in the day and find myself reading the same passage over and over or not taking anything in and having to read it all over again! Some of you are splitting your reading up into bits during the day, and that is fine too! Another thing I have to do is stay of the computer until I have reached a certain reading goal! Because the computer takes SO much of my time (either working on my studies, emailing family and friends etc) but once I am on my computer it takes ages to get something else done so I make myself finish my reading and my first draft of my Soap before I am allowed anywhere near my computer…this seems to work for me, I would also stand and read while the water is boiling for a cup of tea or for pasta etc etc…so yes you just have to find what works for you (some people take their bibles with them everywhere they go because you never know when you will get the chance to read it…)

Last week we officially had one person behind (but two people whom didn’t check in sooooo I don’t know if they are behind or not, I hope NOT! and you know who you are ;)) One of our readers who were two weeks behind caught up, which is awesome!!!congrats and I am very proud of you L J

Good luck for this week guys! And email me if you have questions or comments are post them on the blog etc!

God Bless

This week’s reading:
Deuteronomy 29- Judges 7
Blog link:

Each Monday we will do a check in and you can do this on the blog itself (in the comments at the bottom of this post Check in 5) or by email. I will send you the link to the blog everyday with my SOAP and also the reading for the next day. Please contact me if you have any problems etc or even if you just want to say that you are doing well in your readings...Hearing some of your feedback yesterday at church was amazing!


  1. On track.....bring on week 6! :-)

  2. On track and impressed how well the group is doing. Now it's smooth sailing until the prophets!

  3. On track. Sorry for the late post! ^^;

    1. It is almost time for the next one!hahaha Let's pray for the day when you check in on time ;)

  4. On track. Thank you so much for encouraging me :)
