Sunday, 22 January 2012

Day 14- SOAP

Day 14

Exodus: 21-27

Scripture: 22:20 “Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the LORD must be destroyed.

Observation: Only sacrifice and worship the Lord.

Application: There were so many different laws and such detail as how to punish people when they broke them etc…but with this law it was short and to the point. It was repeated over our passage today, which shows that it is a very very important law. And as we know from reading the Ten Commandments last week, it is in fact the most important commandment.

Prayer: Father help me to worship You in a manner that is pleasing to you, and to make nothing else more important than you. There are so many different things that we can worship and make more important than you (money, status, work, relationships etc) so help me not to do that and to only worship You and Your teachings! Please be with each one of us reading through the Bible, help us to keep going and to focus on You. Help us to learn more about You and to build a better and stronger relationship with you. Thank you so much for Your love and forgiveness..Amen

Tomorrows reading: Exodus 28-33

Read the blog here: 180 days


  1. I am the slow check-in person. The L-family is on track.

    1. Thanks for letting me know! You guys are doing a great job :)

  2. S - Exodus 23:2 "Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd..."

    O - God doesn't want you to follow other people, he wants you to follow him.

    A - This whole chapter about the laws of justice and mercy spoke to me. Possibly because of my background, but I think in other ways too. The particular verse above stuck out the most to me. I am often an indecisive person and let others make decisions for me. In some situations I still think that's ok, but I need to stick up for myself and my own convictions more often and not just go with the majority if I feel that it's wrong. I need to not worry what other people will think about me, only what I think about myself and what God thinks of me. I do not need to please other people; I should please God.

    P - Lord help me trust in you and in my own heart when making decisions. Help steer me onto your path, not the one others might choose for me. Close my ears to peer pressure and focus them on listening to your words. Amen.
