Thursday, 9 February 2012

Day 32- SOAP

Day 32

Deuteronomy 15-22

Scripture: 22 4 If you see your fellow Israelite’s donkey or ox fallen on the road, do not ignore it. Help the owner get it to its feet.

Observation: Help people around you, don’t ignore them.

Application: Do we help as much as we can, or do we use excuses or ignore people in need…and these are the everyday easy things we can do, that doesn’t even cost money, if someone struggles to cross a road, do you help them etc etc or are we to busy to care or ignore them or don’t even see them because they are not important enough to us…these things can be sooooo small to you but mean the world to someone else…

Prayer: Dear Father please help me to open my eyes to people that might need me on a daily basis. Help me to help them and to not ignore them or not even notice them. Thank you for your word and what you are saying through it to me, making me a better person so that I can serve others better. Amen

Day 33: Deuteronomy 23-28
Read the blog here: 180 days


  1. S-Deuteronomy 16:17

    New International Version (NIV)
    17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.

    O- God has blessed/is blessing me.

    A- Stop and consider the blessings. Look for big and small/ obvious and obscure blessings. Give thanks and Give to others.

    P- Thank you Lord for blessings. Open my eyes, heart, and mind to see how and when you have blessed/are blessing me. I want to see how much bigger and creative you are. I don't want to miss it.
