Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Day 59- SOAP

Day 59

1 Kings 14-18

Scripture: 17 15 She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family.

Observation: She did what Elijah told her and all was well.

Application: I love the way how she totally believes in what Elijah tells her. She only has enough flour and oil to make bread once more but when he told her there will be an unlimited supply she believed him. No questions asked. Now I would love to say I would have done the same but I really don’t know, I really hope I would have! This verse just shows me again how your trust should be 100% in the Lord and what He says and if you believe that everything will be ok. And I know a lot of times people say that they trust completely in God but I wonder sometimes if they do (if there isn’t just a small little nagging inside of them) because unfortunately there is sometimes in me. But I am working on it and it isn’t in all situations but in some I’m just like mmmm I don’t know hey if this is possible! hahaha but then I tell myself anything is possible with Him so after saying that a few times to myself the initial doubt disappears (just wish I didn’t doubt at all!)

Prayer: Father help me to trust in You completely. To believe 100% that if something is Your will it will happen..But then also to know what is your will and what is not and not just think You didn’t make it happen because You can’t. You can do anything if it is in Your plan and that is what I have to remember ;) Thank You so much for what You do for us! Amen

Next reading: 1 Kings 19-22

Read the blog here: 180 days

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