Thursday, 23 January 2014

Day 11

DAY 11

Scripture: Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people’s representative before God and bring their disputes to him.

Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said. (Exodus 18:19, 24 NIV)
Observation: Moses receives his father-in-law, tells him about all that God has done and Jethro sees everything that Moses does. He then offers Moses some sound advice, which Moses takes to heart.

Application: Now I have never been married, but like most of you I'm sure, I have heard those tales of the in-laws from hell. I suppose the closest I have gotten to that would be a girlfriend's parents who weren't particularly crazy about the guy their daughter decided to date(that would be me) and made no secret about that fact. They had a disregard for me as a person, and very often when we would be in conversations about various things, my opinion would be ignored and they would just make decisions for us, whether we agreed or not. Far be it for me to disregard the wisdom of older people, but sometimes it did leave a bitter taste in the mouth(much as the water at Marah did for the Israelites!)

In today's reading we see Moses, the leader of a nation and the representative of God, taking advice from his father-in- law. And as it turns out, it ends up being very good advice indeed! So what I am trying to say today, is this: Sometimes God can use the most unlikely people to advise us or point us in the direction He wants us to go. Even that in-law that you don't get along with, or that person at work that gets on your nerves (especially if they are our brothers and sisters in Christ). Sometimes we simply have to forget our personal feelings about a person and take the good advice they are giving. It might just be that God is using that person to actually make our lives easier as he did for Moses through his father-in-law.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for always being there and for directing our lives. Help us to overcome our personal feelings and heed your word and will, regardless of the person you choose to use as the messenger. Amen

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